This site is brought to you as a public service. The links and information found on this site are intended as tools for individuals seeking information and legal representation pertaining to DWI and DUI cases.
American Association of Premier DUI Attorneys

This association helps you find a premier DWI / DUI attorney in your area and offers training courses for attorneys handling. Members have access to police DWI training manuals, a database of tested DUI case cross-examination questions and much more. For info call 208-995-4099.
This Months Members in the Spotlight…Texas
Stephen Handy Fort Worth TX 817 284-2262 | Herman Martinez Houston TX 713 242-1779 |
Jonathan Del Galveston TX 409 740-1111 | Gary Medlin, Dallas TX 214 -888-8810 |
Stephen Bowling Austin TX 512 599-9000 | Simon Safir Allen TX 469 998-4529 |
Member’s Profile

Stephen Handy is a DWI / DUI attorney in Fort Worth and North Texas. Mr. Handy started out as a prosecutor in the Tarrant County District Attorney’s office and is now a private practice lawyer in Fort Worth, recognized as one of the finest DWI attorneys in Tarrant County. Next month’s profile: Herman Martinez.
DWI in Texas

National College for DUI Defense

And we’d like to give a shout-out to the Alabama-based, National College for DUI Defense is a professional, non-profit corporation dedicated to the improvement of the criminal defense bar, and to the dissemination of information to the public about drunk driving law and related issues.